Sunday, April 3, 2011



  1. Good start. It looks like the two minor buildings are the same height. What distinguishes the administration from the shelter?

  2. Think of the site- it's not symmetrical. Your bldg looks very symmetrical, but the site is not. Try to orient your building with a response to the site.

  3. When sketching in 2D plan view to arrive at a shape that responds to your concept, site & program one should think how will that sketch best be transformed into a 3D mass. In such a case, one should try to avoid simply extruding 2d plans into a 3D shape, but rather sculpt masses to get certain proportions that are architecturally pleasing but also work with the overall concept, site and program and, this being a place of worship, the relationship of natural light to that mass. How light enter the structure, historically tends to be a very important element in the design of places of worship.
