Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1 comment:

  1. Sabrina,
    Being introduced a bit late to this project, it is hard for me to critique on drawings that do not have sufficient information or depth. You might have everything figured out in your head but from a sketch like this, as an observer, I really cannot fully understand what you are proposing. Again, this could only be a result of the nature of this communication.
    To avoid miscommunication, I would suggest you have a brief description of every posting you make.
    Furthermore, for clarity purposes, please add more layers of information to your drawings/diagrams.
    I would like to see a transition of your concept models into your proposal. What is your concept behind this proposal, and why?
    The above drawing seems to be a site plan. Where is the site? How is your building incorporated into the site? What is its relationship with other structures around? How do they interact with each other? What is the orientation of your building? Which way is the Mecca direction?
    Also, most of your precedent studies included historic mosques. I think you should do some more research on more contemporary mosque designs and start thinking how could one design a structure that completely respects the fundamentals of Islam but it also fully takes advantage of today's technology and uses mass, materials & light not only to fulfill the functional requirements but to fully embrace the spiritual needs of its worshipers.
